Trad Connections – Greta Curtin, Jessie Healy & Darragh Horan in Concert
When Greta Curtin, Jessie Healy and Darragh Curtin join forces it is evident that they each have a sheer passion and love of traditional music.
The music they produce from the reeds of the concertina combined with the strings of the fiddle and guitar generate a rich sound interwoven in a lively set that will have you encapsulated from the very first bar of music. Music from the Sliabh Luachra region fits beautifully into their vast repertoire of reels, jigs, slides, polkas , hornpipes and many many more thrown in for good measure.
A night of traditional music at its best is indeed guaranteed and tickets are limited so early booking is advised!
Event Details
Venue: Siamsa Tíre, Tralee, Co. Kerry.
Dates/Times: Sat 4th Feb @8pm
Tickets: Adult €16 Concession €14/€10
For all info and to book, visit www.siamsatire.com/events