Xenakis at 100
In celebration of the 100th anniversary of Iannis Xenakis we offer audiences a concert featuring three of his works: Plektó, which uses the full HRSE forces with percussion, Rebonds, one of his iconic solo percussion works and the haunting and austere Paille in the Wind for cello and piano. Samantha McCoy’s work, shortlisted during the 5th Peter Rosser Award, offers more than a nod to French Modernism and sits comfortably in the context of this Xenakis homage. Similarly, the static yet rich harmonic textures that are revealed in Dominique Lemaitre’s work seem to resonate with all the Spectral goings-on of the final decades of 20th Century Paris. If uniqueness of timbre is an underlying theme here, Ailís Ní Ríain's piece for the unusual pairing of bass flute and bass clarinet will draw the listener in to unusual combinations of sonorities. Similarly, Raymond Deane's Seachanges has a severity and quality of timbre that is powerful and arresting.
Tickets are very limited due to current Covid guidelines, so book now to avoid dissappointment.