In-Person Singing Classes (7-24yrs)
Learn traditional Irish songs with professional Chorus Mistress from the National Folk Theatre Choir, Martina Ryan Murphy. Broken into three age groups 7-11, 12 – 15, and 16-24). As classes will be run on the basis of demand, we need a minimum number of students to sign up so we can confirm the classes.
As classes will be run on the basis of demand, we need a minimum number of students to sign up so we can confirm the classes. Please complete the Registration Form (found under the event listing on our website www.siamsatire.com/events) to add your name to the list. We will advise start dates as soon as we get minimum numbers confirmed in advance of the start dates.
Venue: Siamsa Tíre Theatre Tralee, Co. Kerry.
Time: from 6:30pm (40 mins).
Level: Basic to intermediate.
Dates (Term of 4 classes):
Series 1 (Autumn ’22): Friday 30th September and on 7th, 14th, 21st October 2022
Series 2 (Winter ’22): Friday 11th November and on 18th, 25th November and 2nd December 2022
Choose one class series, two or do all three:
1 class term of music, song or dance (4 x €7.50) €30 per term
2 classes (Music and song, music and dance, song and dance) (4 x €12.50) €50 per term
3 classes (Music, song and dance) (4 x €15) €60 per term
For more info visit www.siamsatire.com/events