Open Call Advisory Group 2021
Dublin City Council Culture Company wishes to create an advisory group to support the development of our work.
If you are willing to give us some of your time to help shape the work that we are doing, please consider expressing your interest in being part of our advisory group.
The group will be asked to provide input into our work in our ongoing engagement programmes and operation of cultural buildings and to work with the Culture Company team to strengthen ideas, make connections and help us to create meaningful cultural experiences for the people of Dublin.
Our aim is to include a wide range of perspectives on the group. Individuals expressing and interest in the group should meet the following requirements to be considered eligible should:
– Have knowledge or experience in one of the listed areas of cultural activity through your personal or working life (community, science, the environment, the Irish language, sport, recreation,heritage, arts, or similar.)
– Be resident, or working, in Dublin city.
– Elected representatives, employees of Dublin City Council or individuals employed or contracted to Dublin City Council Culture Company will not be eligible to take part in this advisory group.
See link below for further details.