Musical Mashup presented by The Oliver Hurley School of Musical Theatre
Following on from the successful Christmas Panto “Sleeping Beauty” the award-winning director Oliver Hurley presents a variety of musical theatre excerpts. This production is full of dynamic dance routines and beautiful musical numbers performed by some of the best up-and-coming young performers around. Students/Performers of the Oliver Hurley School of Musical Theatre range from 5 – 18 years.
A show for all the family!!
Event Details
Venue: Siamsa Tíre, Tralee, Co. Kerry, Ireland
Dates/Times: Sat 13th & Sun 14th May @ 7pm
Tickets: Adult €16 Concession €14 Family of 4 €56, Family of 5 €70 +booking fee.
For all information and to book visit www.siamsatire.com/events