A Mother's Voice
A Mother’s Voice is a commemorative dedication to the many women affected by the mother and baby homes in Ireland during the 1900s.
Musici Ireland is humbled to present a multidisciplinary production in honour of the women, a collaboration between artists and living survivors to shed light on this veiled era of Ireland’s recent history. The production, which has been a two-year work in progress, will culminate in an immersive walk through exhibit by Bridget Ní Dhuinn, with lighting by Eoin McNinch and showcase a performance of the newly commissioned work by Cork composers Linda Buckley and Irene Buckley with animation by Éabha Bartolozzo and Jack Kirwan. The piece also features the voices of three mothers.
Musici Ireland hopes that this will be a unique concert experience – a sharing between audience and performer and an ode to the harrowing journey these women have endured.
Kindly supported by the Arts Council and Triskel Arts Centre’s WRITE RECORD PERFORM Artist Residency.
A Musici Ireland production featuring voices of survivors, original music by Irene Buckley and Linda Buckley
Animation by Éabha Bortolozzo and Jack Kirwan and an immersive art installation by Bridget Ní Dhuinn with lighting by Eoin McNinch
Beth McNinch of Musici Ireland is the recipient of Triskel’s WRITE RECORD PERFORM Music Residency 2022
Proceeds from this world premiere performance will go to OSS Cork.