Liz Carroll
Last Chances to Catch Tune Makers Tour
There are only a few more chances to catch the Tune Makers tour – Liz Carroll, Máirtín O’Connor and Dave Flynn, with guests, exploring composition in traditional music; not just through their own music but that of composers they admire as well as of the guest composers.
The dates remaining are:
Saturday, 29 September 8pm at Glór, Causeway Link, Ennis, Co. Clare, with guest Tommy Peoples
Monday, 1 October 8pm at Whelan’s, Wexford Street, Dublin
Saturday, 6 October 5pm at Triskel Christchurch: Tobin Street, Cork City, with special guest Peadar Ó Riada
Meanwhile, at Triskel as part of the Cork Folk Festival, on Friday, 5 October International Fiddle Night at 8pm Liz Carroll and Matt Cranitch will host a night of fiddle music with Mairi Rankin (Cape Breton), Aidan O’Rourke (Scotland), Karen Ryan & Pete Quinn (UK), Connie O’Connell and Aine O’Connell, Johnny McCarthy, and Geraldine O’Callaghan.
Published on 28 September 2012