Irish Youth Training Choir Easter Course 2022
What is the Irish Youth Training Choir?
The Irish Youth Training Choir (IYTC) provides enthusiastic young singers, aged 14-17, the opportunity to immerse themselves in the world of group singing in. Singers learn a wide variety of music and develop their vocal technique under the guidance of the choir’s principal conductor, Patrick Barrett, and a team of leading professional musicians. We welcome singers from all backgrounds and no previous experience of choral singing or reading music is necessary. As a member of IYTC you’ll enjoy singing alongside like-minded musicians, develop your musicianship and singing and make friends for life!
What can I expect from the courses?
The IYTC residential courses are approx. five days long. During the course, your timetable will be jam-packed with physical and vocal warm-ups, musicianship classes, sectionals and full choir rehearsals - a complete singing experience! There’s plenty of down-time too with sports and other activities organised as part of the course. You’ll sleep in university apartments and eat meals together in the college restaurant. You’ll definitely work hard at IYTC, but you’ll also have lots of fun and deliver brilliant concerts at the end of the course; a feeling like no otherAm I eligible?
We are accepting applications for all voice types to partake in the 2022 season.
Applicants must be Irish or resident in Ireland
Applicants must be aged 14 - 17 during the course
Applicants will have successfully completed the informal audition*
In exceptional circumstances people not fitting these criteria may be considered
*Following a successful audition singers can participate in any IYTC courses for two years before being required to re-audition.