Irish Youth Baroque Orchestra 2023 Performance Course July 17-22
The Irish Youth Baroque Orchestra is aimed at advanced instrumental students between the ages of 18 and 24 with an interest in historically informed performance. (Exceptional players outside of the age range may be considered.)
We are delighted to announce the details of our two 2023 courses.
-IYBO Online 2023 | 1 – 2 July 2023 | An introduction to historically informed performance presented by the Irish Baroque Orchestra & the Irish Association of Youth Orchestras | Places are available to anyone with an interest in historically informed performance.
-IYBO Performance Course | 17 – 22 July 2023 | This course will be a baroque orchestra performance course held in Dublin with two concerts.
Closing date for applications for both courses is Friday, 24 February 2023.
Note: A video submission is required to apply for the IYBO Summer Course.
Please note: Players who apply for the performance course (17 – 22 July) and have not previously taken part in any Irish Youth Baroque Orchestra activities, will be required to attend the introductory online course on 1 – 2 July 2023. Exceptions may be made for some players.
The Irish Youth Baroque Orchestra will rehearse in Wesley House, Dublin from 17 – 22 July 2023 with concerts taking place in Townley Hall, County Louth and St Ann’s Church, Dawson Street, Dublin.
The orchestra will consist of between 16 and 22 players of strings (violin, viola, cello, bass / violone), continuo (harpsichord, lute, theorbo), flutes, baroque oboe and baroque bassoon.
All participants will perform on period instruments provided by the IBO, IAYO and other partners if possible.
There will be a fee of €250 for participating in the summer course.
The Irish Youth Baroque Orchestra is a collaboration between the Irish Baroque Orchestra and the Irish Association of Youth Orchestras supported by the Royal Irish Academy of Music.