Ink Still Wet VI
As is now tradition, Hard Rain SoloistEnsemble presents its annual programme of brand-new works in a concert supported by the PRSf Talent Development Partnership (TDP). The evening will feature three newly commissioned pieces from early career composers Samuel Kane, Matthew Dowie and Aidan Maclean created as part of our TDP Programme.
We like to showcase our TDP supported composers alongside more established voices in new music. Composers Amy Rooney and Ian Wilson are regular Hard Rain collaborators and on this occasion we look forward to two brand new works featuring our woodwind players. Ian’s work showcases Sarah Watts wielding her contrabass clarinet within the context of the ensemble, while Amy’s solo flute work was written especially for our flautist Aisling Agnew. Both works were made possible with funding from the ACNI Creative Individuals Recovery Programme. Gráinne Mulvey is no stranger to the ensemble either and we are delighted to offer the premiere of her Strange Attractors here.
You will all know David McCann as our ensemble’s dynamic cellist, but we have also featured several of his works as a composer in previous seasons. In this concert he will perform a new work, his Reflexion for solo cello.
Bringing new music to the fore is our raison d’être and this concert features no less than eight premiere performances.