IMO Youth Orchestra & Choir: Open call for young musicians and singers aged 10-24
If you're aged 10-24 and love to sing or play any of the instruments below, the Irish Memory Orchestra would love to hear from you!
Following the first round of auditions some places remain in the IMO Youth Orchestra & Choir programme for:
- Voice/Choir Members
- Percussion
- Violin/Fiddle
- Viola/cello/bass
- Brass
- Woodwinds (except flute/tin whistle)
- Uilleann pipes
- Harp
This new cross-genre youth orchestra and choir is funded by the Arts Council of Ireland’s Young Ensemble Scheme and will meet for rehearsals in Galway City from 12th-15th April 2022, to prepare for a concert alongside the professional members of the Irish Memory Orchestra at the Black Box Theatre on 16th April 2022. The programme the performance will include Dave Flynn's ground-breaking Vision Symphony.
Full sighted, visually-impaired and blind musicians are invited to apply.
The young musicians will be mentored by Dave Flynn, conductor Bjorn Bantock and a selection of internationally acclaimed professional IMO members including orchestra leader Niamh Varian-Barry, flute player Aisling Agnew, percussionist Aidan Dunphy, cellist Maria O’Connor, fiddler Tara Connaghan and Ensemble Eriu members Neil O’Loclainn (bass) and Matthew Berrill (clarinet/sax). The choir will be directed by renowned choir conductor Frank Kelly.
All of the musicians involved in the programme will perform from memory. Without the need for sheet music, the notion of disability recedes and enables each member of the orchestra to contribute equally. The most outstanding applicants will be selected as Youth Orchestra section leaders, and will work alongside professional members of the Irish Memory Orchestra to mentor their section. For all of the young participants, the experience of working with acclaimed musicians from diverse musical backgrounds promises to be an unforgettable creative and social experience.
Apply and find out more at the link below.