IAYO Chamber Music Workshops 2022
Irish Association of Youth Orchestras will hold its annual National Chamber Music Workshop on Saturday, 19 and Sunday, 20 November at Newtown School, Waterford.
The IAYO National Chamber Music Workshops are weekend residential courses for junior strings, woodwind and brass. The course changes location every two years in order to bring the experience of chamber music playing and music courses to new players and new areas.
Under the direction of Katharina Baker, this weekend course is suitable for strings, woodwind and brass players from grades 2 – 5 (or equivalent standard). Applicants can apply as a pre-formed quartet or ensemble or as an individual player. More senior players are welcome to apply as part of pre-formed ensembles.
Closing date for applications will be Thursday, 20 October 2022.
Experience of chamber ensemble playing is not needed but players should be able to read music.
There will be residential (€100) and non-residential (€80) places available with accommodation provided in Newtown School.