Fadó Fadó – Life in Times Past Through Irish Music, Dance & Song
Ireland’s premier cultural experience at Siamsa Tíre presents the best of Irish traditional singing, music, and dancing in Fadó Fadó, a stage presentation featuring traditional Irish music beautifully interwoven with exciting dance and rich choral vocals.
Fadó Fadó (pronounced ‘Fah-doh Fah-doh) meaning ‘Long, long ago’, takes you back to life in Ireland in times past. Moving from the open air of the bog, fields and harvest festivals to the warmth of the hearth-lit kitchen, this wonderful folk theatre production shows how in times past, almost every farmyard activity had a tune to it. Fadó Fadó celebrates the cultural and seasonal traditions, joys and sorrows of a rural family in Ireland long ago. The show takes you on a thrilling journey of Irish music, dance and song with hard shoe Irish dancing along with wonderful musicians performing original scores.
This limited-run show is exclusive to Siamsa Tíre and cannot be viewed in any other venue – a truly authentic experience not to be missed!
Event Details
Venue: Siamsa Tíre, Tralee, Co. Kerry, Ir:eland
Dates/Times: Aug 3rd, 5th, 7th, 10th, 12th, 14th, 17th, 19th, 21st, 24th, 26th, & [email protected]:30pm
Tickets: Adult €45, Student €36, Child €22.50, Family of 4 €108. Local resident and tour group rates available.
For all information and to book visit www.siamsatire.com/events