Eitilt – National Folk Theatre Training Academy
A highlight in the calendar each year, is the end of year showcase presented by the students of the National Folk Theatre Training Academy. This year the students will present Eitilt. The end of year show will see the children explore the theme of birds in Irish folklore, their symbolic meaning, the various roles they played and the superstitions and folktales that surround them in Irish culture.
Following an auditions process, students of the National Folk Theatre Training Academy take part in a three year intensive training that includes music, song, dance and drama with core members of the National Folk Theatre cast. Following further auditions they can go onto Advanced Training for another three years and start learning their craft on stage as part of the community cast of Siamsa Tíre.
For further information on auditions for the Training Academy visit Auditions.
Event Details:
Venue: Siamsa Tíre, Tralee, Co. Kerry, Ireland
Dates/Times: Wed 3rd May @ 7pm
Tickets: Adult €12.50, Concession €10, Children (under 16) €8 +booking fee
For more information and to book visit www.siamsatire.com/events