Deputy Director of Philanthropy
The Royal College of Music (RCM) is hiring a Deputy Director of Philanthropy to join the heart the Academy’s Advancement team.
Your role will be pivotal in overseeing a range of activities to generate income for agreed priorities for fundraising, which support the delivery of the strategic plan. You will also grow and nurture the donor community, comprising alumni and friends, as the Academy delivers its Bicentenary and develops an ambitious donor engagement strategy.
To be successful in this role you will be a fantastic team manager, strategist and communicator, with the ability to turn strategy into action and to develop successful relationships with a wide variety of stakeholders. You will have excellent data and project management skills, being able to balance competing priorities and deliverables. You will have a great practical knowledge of CRM systems, and you will know what it takes to deliver stand-out fundraising events and individual giving initiatives.
You will also have significant fundraising experience with a track record of securing gifts across disciplines.
See link below for further details.