Dante 700 - International Competition of Symphonic Composition (II ed.)
The Camerata Strumentale Città di Prato and the Florence Philharmonic Orchestra – la Filharmonie are announcing the second edition of the international competition for symphonic composition Dante 700 – “La dolce sinfonia di paradiso”. The project aims to encourage and promote creative energies in the field of orchestral composition, drawing the composers’ attention on the wonderful verses of the Canto XI of Paradise, where Dante celebrates St. Francis of Assisi, a figure who radiates the universal themes of Peace, Poverty, love of Nature and respect for the Environment.
The score shall draw inspiration from the Canto XI of Paradise (Divine Comedy, Canticle III) with particular focus on the figure of Saint Francis of Assisi and specific reference to verses 28-120 addressing the themes of Peace and Poverty. The competition is open to composers of any nationality and is without age limit, who should compose a symphonic piece (optionally with solo voice and/or live electronics) of maximum 15 minutes duration. A prestigious international jury will oversee the entire process.
The Jury will be chaired by Maestro Anders Hillborg and includes Maestri Silvia Colasanti, Mauro Montalbetti, Andrea Rebaudengo, Reza Vali, Alberto Batisti and Paolo Cognetti. Maestro Nima Keshavarzi, the conductor for the final concert, will support the Jury’s work.
The Jury will award the following three prizes:
First prize of 5.000,00 (fivethousand/00)€, gross of taxes
Second prize of 3.000,00 (threethousand/00)€, gross of taxes
Third prize of 2.000,00 (twothousand/00)€, gross of taxes
The three finalists’ compositions will be performed by Camerata Strumentale Città di Prato and la Filharmonie in the final concert open to the public at Teatro Politeama Pratese. At the end of the concert, the jury will determine the winner, whose composition will be published in the series Stilnovo by Edizioni Musicali Curci in Milan, promoted by CIDIM.
The winning composition (first prize) will be published in the series Stilnovo, promoted by Edizioni Musicali Curci in Milan and by CIDIM (Italian National Music Committee). The Jury might select another score for a "Special Mention" in addition to the three finalist compositions. The three finalist scores – along with the possible piece selected as “Special mention” – will be performed in a public concert and recorded by Camerata Strumentale Città di Prato and La Filharmonie, and broadcast by Rete Toscana Classica and RAI5. The audio-video recording of the final concert will be distributed by the CIDIM to the international web of Italian cultural institutes of MAECI. The composers of the three finalist scores are invited to attend and collaborate in the rehearsals prior to the awards concert.