Cooler Clinics - Bookings Focus
Each month, Improvised Music Company hosts a Cooler Clinic in our new rehearsal and development space for improvised music - The Cooler at The Complex.
Drop in to The Cooler any time in the morning or afternoon (or by appointment in the evening) to talk to the IMC team about anything that’s been concerning you in your career, one-to-one or in a small group, in short 20/30 minute slots. Online and evening consultations are available but must be reserved in advance.
Each Cooler Clinic has a particular focus, with talks around that topic - such as social media, funding applications, newsletter marketing, releasing music, domestic and international touring, or many other things that can be issues for a lot of musicians.
In April, we’re focusing on booking, with presentations on approaches to booking, booking agents, and booking strategies at 1:30pm and 6:30pm, and plenty of time to get feedback on and discuss any current work you're doing.
However, one-to-one conversations can be on any topic that’s concerning you at the minute. Feel free to drop in with questions on funding applications, social media, PR strategies, releasing music, or any area that you think we might be able to help on.
The Cooler Clinic is also an open place to chat with fellow musicians in the genre over tea and coffee and share knowledge that might be helpful to everyone.
If you are interested in using The Cooler for rehearsal and development for appropriate work, you can have an in-person induction session, and learn about using the space.
Please register in for online or in-person sessions at particular times at the link below. If you'd like a specific time or only have a limited amount of time available, we'd recommend booking a time. You can change this with us later, but drop-ins during busy times might involve some waiting time. Online sessions and in-person sessions in the evening are by appointment only.
There are drop-in times available in the morning and afternoon, you can just drop into our little blue door at 11/12 Mary's Abbey and ring the bell to drop in and join us. Online slots and evening in-person slots are by appointment only, book at the link below.
Presentations at 1:30pm and 6:30pm are open to all and don't need to be booked, just drop in.
10am-1pm == Morning 1-to-1 consultations == By appointment (register at the link)
10am-1pm == Online 1-to-1 consultations == By appointment (register at the link)
10am-1pm == Morning drop-in consultations == Drop in from 10am to 1pm
1:30pm-2pm == PRESENTATION - Ways to deal with bookings
2pm-6pm == Afternoon 1-to-1 consultations == By appointment (register at the link)
2pm-6pm == Afternoon drop-in consultations == Drop in from 2pm to 6pm
2pm-6pm == Inductions to The Cooler == Drop-in from 2pm to 6pm
6:30pm-7pm == PRESENTATION - Ways to deal with bookings
7pm-10pm == Evening 1-to-1 consultations == By appointment (register at the link)
7pm-10pm == Online 1-to-1 consultations == By appointment (register at the link)
Please note:
The Cooler is up two flights of stairs and may be difficult to access for patrons with mobility issues. Seating is available for all talks and consultations. If you have any other access concerns please let us know by email or phone and we will do our best to assist you.
Musician-Parents are welcome to bring their children along, however IMC cannot be responsible for children attending. Please also note that there are two sets of staircases up to the cooler, and that any prams would need to be left at the bottom. Baby-changing facilities are available in The Complex.