Call for Artists
SUNS EUROPE is a performing arts festival focused on European minority languages that will take place in Udin/Udine and other locations of Friûl/Friuli in October 2023. The festival aims to showcase the best artistic productions in minority languages, encompassing music, cinema, theatre, and literature, with an emphasis on contemporary artistic productions.
This call for applications is only for the music section and is intended for bands and singer-songwriters whose music production is in one of the accepted minority languages. All artists from minority language communities of Europe (geographical meaning) can apply.
Applicants can submit their applications by filling out the online form available on the festival’s website, www.sunseurope.com, by 26 March 2023. Along with their application, they must provide a CV of the band/solo singer in PDF format, a high-resolution picture of the band/solo singer in jpeg format, two songs in mp3 format, and the original lyrics of the songs and English translation in Word format.
See link below for further details.