Augmented Vocality: Recomposing the Sounds of Early Irish and Old Norse
Augmented Vocality: 'Recomposing the Sounds of Early Irish and Old Norse’ proposes a novel programme of practice-based research and a methodology to analyse and explore the sounds of early medieval languages. Combining linguistic expertise with sophisticated voice processing technologies, the project aims to give new life to early languages and help reclaim the oral quality at the heart of medieval literature. 'Break no more my heart today', a newly commissioned work from composer Edmund Hunt, explores this territory using the Hard Rain forces with voice and electronics as a powerful tool to develop new insights and to reanimate texts from early languages well beyond the field of literary studies. His work focuses on two linguistic corpora, Old and Middle Irish and Old Norse - both chosen for their particular sonic qualities and the richness of the surviving texts.
As a prelude to this new work we present a variety of works by Irish and Scottish composers that in some way also connect with the Gaelic world or that explore a sound-world somehow in sympathy with it.
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