Anam – The National Folk Theatre of Ireland
Co-commissioned by Dublin Dance Festival and The National Folk Theatre of Ireland in 2016, Anam (meaning ‘soul’) brought together the skills of world-class step dancers from the US, Canada and Ireland in an exhilarating fusion of styles. This production toured Ireland in 2017 to acclaim and standing ovations from audiences from Donegal to Longford to Limerick. It now forms part of our Festival of Folk production series.
Authentic and raw, this percussive dance piece explores the similarities and differences between the dancers, each with their own distinct hard shoe style. Anam attests to the tradition of ‘passing on’; celebrating the dance’s essential spirit, yet injecting it with fresh energy to create something new.
Performed with live music and song by acclaimed musician Fergal O’Murchú it features dancers Matthew Olwell (Appalachian Flat Foot) Jonathan Kelliher (North Kerry “Munnix”) Nathan Pilatzke (Ottawa Valley, Canada) and Jason O’Neill (Modern Irish).
This limited-run show is exclusive to Siamsa Tíre and cannot be viewed in any other venue – a truly authentic experience not to be missed!
Event Details
Venue: Siamsa Tíre, Tralee, Co. Kerry, Ireland
Dates: May 11th, 15th, 18th, 22nd, 25th, 27th, 29th & 31st; June 1st, 5th, 8th, 10th, 12th, 15th & 17th.
Tickets: Adult €45, Student €36, Child €22.50, Family of 4 €108 +booking fee. Local resident and tour group rates available.
For more information and to book visit www.siamsatire.com/events